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Grey Matters Blog

Mar 15th, 2016

Face book safety

by Carmen Scott

Category: Articles, Information & Tips

Face book safety | kids victoria bc

Facebook safety is on every parents and caregivers mind. And rightly so, it can be a fabulous tool to keep in touch with friends and family, or it can be the starting place for cyber bullying or something more sinister. By following a few rules, you can help Facebook be a fun experience for your child.

Never give out personal information. Posting your name on your Facebook profile page is OK. Do not list your address, birth date, or phone number. Be cautious about what kinds of photos your kids are posting, in case they reveal personal info such as a photo of them in front of their school. A good rule of thumbs for your friends, is not to add anyone that you haven't met in person; and never meet a new Facebook "friend" in real life.

Close your network and do not make your profile public to everyone. This means all your details pop up if someone clicks on your name. Close your Facebook network to everyone except for a small group of friends and don't be afraid to click the box that says "limit my profile." Don't feel obligated to accept a friend request from someone you don't really know. Watch your wall - you might not post personal info on your main page, but your friends might. Example: you're going on vacation you don't broadcast this information on the Internet. Except a friend or two writes on your wall - for all to see - "Have a great time in disney!

Be wary of forms. Thousands of third-party Facebook applications can add to the site's functionality and fun. (trivia games, video posts, horoscopes) Don't fill out every field if you don't feel comfortable and if it's mandatory make up the information.

Use email messages. Remember Facebook walls can be viewed by anyone, and on multiple devices (computers, mobile phones, televisions, etc.), so before you post a comment or question to it, ask yourself if it's better as a private email. Remember if it is posted on your Facebook profile....assume everyone can see it. For more information go to facebook and view the tutorial.

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