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senior resources

Complex Care - Oak Bay Lodge

Description: Operator: Island Health| 2251 Cadboro Bay Road, Victoria, V8R 5H3 | 250-370-6600

Capacity: Publicly Subsidized Units: 247

Building Description: Oak Bay Lodge is located in the area bordering Cadboro Bay Road, Cranmore Street and Hampshire Road in Oak Bay. The building, built in 1970, is 15,000 sq ft and consists of two buildings connected by a centralized support area. On-site pay parking is available. Large gardens, both secured and non-secured, allow for outside activities. The facility also operates a subsidized Adult Day Program on site.

Type of Accommodation: Single and shared room space. Added Licensed Dementia Care Unit with 34 beds.

Cost: Residents pay up to 80% of their after-tax income which covers the cost of food and

Safety of our residents, and staff, is a high priority goal for Oak Bay Lodge. All entrances and exits are secured. Fire doors and fire suppressions systems are in place, monthly emergency drills are practiced and evacuation procedures tested. An emergency plan and supplies are available to support both minor and more major emergencies.

Website URL:

Days: Days

Duration: Full Day

Facility Information

Facility Name: Greater Victoria Area
Address: Housing Oppourtunities - Independent, Assisted, Complex Care & Subsidized Housing
Area: Victoria City


Senior programs
senior resources
Senior programs