The Cook Street Village Activity Centre is a non-profit organization offering social, educational and recreational activities for persons of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.  Membership is open to anyone 50+ years, as we cater primarily to those of “mature adult” status.
senior resources

Canada Pension Plan / Old Age Security Pension

Description: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) provides retirement pension and other benefits for those people
who have contributed to the Plan through paid employment in Canada. The amount of CPP
benefit is determined by the contribution you made during the time you were employed. Applications for Canada Pension Plan benefits are available from any Service Canada office.

Old Age Security Pension (OAS) is a federally funded basic monthly pension that is paid to you
if you have reached the age of 65, if you are a Canadian citizen or a legal resident of Canada and
if you meet the residence requirements. To receive OAS, you should apply at least six months before your 65th birthday or the date of your eligibility.

Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) may be available to you depending on your income and
your marital status. To receive GIS, you must apply by providing an application, which can be
obtained from Service Canada. GIS is based on your annual income, or the combined income of
you and your spouse.

Allowance for the Survivor may be available for the spouse of someone receiving OAS and GIS.
You must be between 60 and 65 years of age and meet residence requirements. You may receive an Allowance for the Survivor until you reach age 65 depending on your income.

Days: M-F

Duration: Full Day

Facility Information

Facility Name: Federal Government
Phone 1: 1-800-622-6232
Facility Link:


senior resources