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senior resources

Assisted Living - Ayre Manor

Description: Ayre Manor - 6754 Ayre Road, Sooke BC V9Z 1K1 | 250-642-1750

Ayre Manor offers three types of affordable and comfortable seniors housing: independent living, assisted living and complex care.>Independent Living Cottages - There are 18 Independent Living Cottages. The rent for these cottages is based on residents income.

Each cottage is a small but complete 1-bedroom or bachelor suite with a full kitchen, living room and bathroom.Assisted Living Apartments - These 25 bright and airy 550 sq.ft. one-bedroom apartments offer peace of mind in a quiet location. Hospitality services include 3 meals a day, weekly housekeeping and weekly linen laundering. Each apartment has a sitting room, private bathroom, a small kitchenette, ensuite storage and a balcony or patio.

There are 32 Residential Complex Care suites at 259 sq.ft. each. These large, sun-filled private rooms are comfortably furnished. All have ensuite bathrooms with overhead lifts. Residents are encouraged to bring their cherished belongings with them into their suites.Residents in subsidized suites must meet residency requirements for admission to residential care. Please click the URL link below for more info.

Website URL:

Days: Days

Duration: Full Day

Facility Information

Facility Name: Greater Victoria Area
Address: Housing Oppourtunities - Independent, Assisted, Complex Care & Subsidized Housing
Area: Victoria City


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